[Atualização] WebMAN MOD 1.47.28

Aí vai uma outra atualização do WebMAN MOD. Surpreendentemente, Aldos ainda atualiza o aplicativo todos os meses. As mudanças da vez são as seguintes:


👀 Remote file viewer using web command: /hexview.ps3<file-path>🆕
💿 Added CUE parsing & multi-track support for PS2 CD ISO. 🆕
⭐ New menu option “Reload My Games + XMB” (Requires Reload_XMB.pkg & ★ app_home/PS3_GAME)
🌀 Now max fan speed can be set as low as 40% (formerly was 50%)
📦 PKG files scanned with prepISO or stored in ps3netsrv now install directly after mount
🎵 Raised limit to 98 in number of tracks allowed in PSXISO. More games are now playable (w/issues).
🎵 CUE command PREGAP now is ignored, improving results in audio of some PSX games that had problems.
🎵 prepISO now use same CUE parser used by of webMAN. Also parses CCD cue sheet files.
💿 prepISO now scans for content in /PS3, /MUSIC, /THEME, /UPDATE, /ROMS
⚠️ [Use with moderation, each BDFILE created contains only a single file. XMB can be cluttered easily]
🐍 Mamba 8.3 now detects burned PS3 discs if PS3_GAME is found in root directory
🐞 Fixed regression of ps3netsrv on Linux builds
🚀 Cumulative update (includes over 40 commits to the suite of tools)
🔗 ps3netsrv: Improved detection of INI files used to map paths to folder (thanks to @Dvvarf )
🔗 ps3netsrv: Fixed mapping of UNC paths when INI file use CRLF (fix by aldostools)
📹 video recorder plugin now uses its default memory container (4-bg) . It can be changed in [MC] of /setup.ps3

Você pode atualizar o WebMAN através dele mesmo acessando a guia de atualização do app ou baixando o PKG através do GitHUb do Aldos:
